Sunday, July 25, 2010

quarter life crisis

26'' flat screen t.v. w/ built-in dvd player and CABLE. 20 prepaid rentals at the video room. season 1 and 2 of Seinfeld. beer & cigarettes & annie's mac & cheese.

you want to be cool like that - curled up beside the fire escape, hugging your legs, staring first at the full moon and then the fluorescent-lit window display of the goodwill thrift shop across the street. you force yourself to THINK DEEP THOUGHTS...

when really, you'd prefer to have a Kramer barge into your teeny, new studio, pulling out two pieces of bread from the pockets of his bathrobe and asking, "you got any meat?" you'd make as if you're slightly irritated, then put the kettle on the stove.

he'll comment on your brilliant use of twinkle lights, and you'll tell him about your almost nervous breakdown three hours ago in the nearby food emporium. HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE W/OUT INSTANT CURRY??

you both shrug to the symphony of delivery trucks and gypsy cabs tearing down 2nd Ave, and cast amusing shadows on the walls.

RISE & SHINE ladybug!!! tomorrow's another night.

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