Monday, November 1, 2010

Ode to My Eyebrow Pencil

Almay 02 Brunette: The only brow defining pencil
I can count on. Not too light, not too dark. No red-brown tint
that contradicts my natural coloring. Smudging kept to a minimal
extent (save on hot summer days in the city when the makeup
melts right off your face as you wait to board a crowded train).
Sure it's not sweat proof or water resistant, but what more can a girl
ask for? Perfect brows au natural? Here's to freedom
every morning in front of the bathroom mirror: One tragic sweep
like Edith Piaf, or an arch to-die-for like Liz Taylor's Cleopatra.
Better yet, Pretty Baby Brooke Shields with her thick untamed
brows, cutting across her little doll face like two straight arrows.
No more plucking and tweezing. No more Vaseline, rose oil, or other
"homemade remedies" to PROMOTE OVERNIGHT HAIR
GROWTH by 15%! Just a confident artist's hand brandishing her
toilette. Maybe she's not born with it, but generations of women have
worked with what they got: My Taiwanese grandmother tattooed
a pair of tadpole-shaped brows onto her forehead, the color of the ink
now faded from black to blue, but they frame her aging face
nonetheless. Ladies have pinned it down to a science: How close
can a broad get to the Golden Ratio of 1.618? Placing the pencil
vertically against my nose, I determine the start of the brow,
then draw across and down till "X" marks the spot where all three
corners of mouth, nostril and eye line up like some astrological
sign: By night, I am Da Vinci's Mona Lisa with knowing eyes
that gaze out at the rest of the world from beneath a naked mound,
pale moon brow, temple of worship: Tomorrow is another mood.

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