Sunday, August 7, 2011

reviving "Mrs. H"

My mother used to laugh a lot more. She had a strong laugh. Not the kind that sort of just hovers at the back of your throat without ever truly coming out in the open. No, she laughed like she meant it. She had a way of tossing her head back, her nostrils would flare out a little, and she'd clap her hands once or twice. Sometimes, she cried because she was laughing so hard. It was a beautiful sight.

It was my father who could really make her laugh the kind of laughs that eventually brought tears. He'd sit down at the piano with me, bopping up and down on his knee, and we'd sing along to some silly made-up tune. She'd start twirling around us in that pale blue dress with the white flowers; her long, brown hair swaying behind her. At the end of the song, she'd come around behind us and put a bare arm on each of our shoulders, bending forward to kiss us. I remember the smell of her hair, like honey, falling over my face in soft, feathery curls. She cut it when he died.

I remember crying when I saw her come out of the bathroom, after being in there for what seemed to me like forever. Her face was flushed, and beads of sweat formed around her temples and above her upper lip. She had chopped off more than a foot of her beautiful hair. It barely reached her ears anymore and stuck out at all these funny angles. I thought it was the worst thing she could have done to me. I peeked between her legs and saw into the bathroom where she had spread out newspapers on the tiled floor. Her thick brown locks covering the Sunday post. I kicked her as hard as I could in the shin. I was only ten. And I called her ugly to her face.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

i was much better at keeping a journal at the age of eight

[some excerpts probably only amusing to me; spelling, grammar mistakes and all]

Today I had a normal school day...I am now Hanna's very, very best friend. We also watched a very cool video called See How Insects Grow.

Today at school Chase had a fake bug and when it popped out it scared a teacher...

Today I went to the mall and bought a book called The Witches. We went to Home the pote and bought some supplies. We had coke. Then we went to Roasters Roaterie. I had the same things.

Today I went to Chinnese School. We had a test. I think I'm going to have at least 99...

...Today at the libary we learned how to check out bookes using the computer, we also got candy, Outside I played circus with my friends. Hannah and I were the Musical Dancers.

Today at school we made lemen pudding. It taste great. At computer I finished my snake story. Jeremey gave me a pile of baseball cards.

Today at school we counted our stikers, I lost. I have a new friend her name is Lauren. She invited me to a sleepover, I really like, She's my 2nd best friend.