Saturday, August 6, 2011

i was much better at keeping a journal at the age of eight

[some excerpts probably only amusing to me; spelling, grammar mistakes and all]

Today I had a normal school day...I am now Hanna's very, very best friend. We also watched a very cool video called See How Insects Grow.

Today at school Chase had a fake bug and when it popped out it scared a teacher...

Today I went to the mall and bought a book called The Witches. We went to Home the pote and bought some supplies. We had coke. Then we went to Roasters Roaterie. I had the same things.

Today I went to Chinnese School. We had a test. I think I'm going to have at least 99...

...Today at the libary we learned how to check out bookes using the computer, we also got candy, Outside I played circus with my friends. Hannah and I were the Musical Dancers.

Today at school we made lemen pudding. It taste great. At computer I finished my snake story. Jeremey gave me a pile of baseball cards.

Today at school we counted our stikers, I lost. I have a new friend her name is Lauren. She invited me to a sleepover, I really like, She's my 2nd best friend.

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