Monday, October 31, 2011

Handmade Book: September 17, 2011

Process & Skills Assignment: Take 100 photos on a theme and edit down to 16-20 to create a photo essay. Turn your photo essay into a handmade book, paying attention to layout, typography, and book binding.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

ten bullets: #9 & #10

from tom sachs' ten bullets for graphic designers in his studio. see all ten bullets here.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Local Project: Final Website

Over the course of a month we were asked to design a website for a local company. The final product would be a homepage and four inner pages with a clear design concept and functioning user interface. I chose an independent bookstore in Williamsburg called Spoonbill & Sugartown Books, Inc.

One of the concepts I developed for the website was the "Serendipity Machine." On the original Spoonbill & Sugartown website, they describe themselves as a place that has "an element of serendipity - you never know what you will find." With this in mind, the Serendipity Machine is essentially a random shuffle of products (usually rare items) that are currently in store. When the user arrives at the homepage they are given the option to start the Serendipity Machine and learn more about the store's collection. The first three pages below show the stages of flash animation that would occur on the homepage when the Serendipity Machine is started.

Homepage (in three stages):

Inner Pages:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bezold Flowers

Bezold Flower Pattern

Original Color Aid Paper Collage

Color Theory Assignment: Sketch a still life of flowers. Using color aid paper, create a 2D design from the original sketch and use only four or five colors. Scan the collage and create the Bezold effect by interchanging the colors in the same composition and adding one new color. Repeat three more times to create a total of twelve different designs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Champion Paper Company (Poster & Accordion)


Double-Sided Accordion Fold

Graphic Design1 Assignment: Shoot photographs of the neighborhood assigned to you, then create a poster and accompanying accordion fold, promoting Champion Paper Company who will be presenting at the Art Director's Club (ADC) Paper Expo.

My neighborhood was Times Square.