Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Some Final Projects

Graphic Design 1: Alphabet Book

Process & Skills: Create a museum promotional package for a current exhibition in New York City. I chose Cecil Beaton: The New York Years exhibited at The Museum of the City of New York. My package included a poster, an invitation to the opening, and a tote bag.

Invitation to the Museum Exhibition Opening

Tote Bag (Front)

Tote Bag (Back)

Interactive Web Design 1: Redesigning the American Museum of Natural History's website (www.amnh.org)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Impact Mobile Application Design

Web Design Assignment: Create and design a mobile application for the iPhone.

My mobile app is called Impact. The purpose of the app is to allow users to search for local volunteer opportunities and connect directly with nonprofit organizations in their area. The app allows you to tailor your search by areas of interest, level of time commitment, and target community. There is also a feature built-in called My Impact, which allows users to set volunteer goals for themselves, keep a log of all the organizations they have volunteered for (the exact date, the number of hours, any notes they would like to include about the experience), as well as share their volunteer story by syncing up with their social media where they can upload photos and comments.

Below are a few of the screens I designed for the app (there were a total of 28 screens):

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bee Goddess Honey (Packaging Design)

Color Theory Assignment: Pick a culture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and sketch different design motifs. Drawing from your sketches and the color palette of the culture you've chosen, create a rhythmic pattern using a triad or tetrad color chord. Create a product that your pattern could be applied to and develop a logo and branding for the package design.

The culture I chose was Ancient Greece, specifically the Bronze Age. I was inspired by a golden bee pendant in the exhibition, and through research found out there was a Bee Goddess in Minoan and Mycenaean religion who represented nature, order, harmony, and the connection between this life and the afterlife. I chose a triad color chord (red, yellow, blue) to express my culture. By switching the placement of the colors in the pattern, I was able to create three distinct patterns and applied each to a different type of honey: Pine Tree Honey, Wildflower Honey, and Thyme Honey.




Monday, October 31, 2011

Handmade Book: September 17, 2011

Process & Skills Assignment: Take 100 photos on a theme and edit down to 16-20 to create a photo essay. Turn your photo essay into a handmade book, paying attention to layout, typography, and book binding.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

ten bullets: #9 & #10

from tom sachs' ten bullets for graphic designers in his studio. see all ten bullets here.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Local Project: Final Website

Over the course of a month we were asked to design a website for a local company. The final product would be a homepage and four inner pages with a clear design concept and functioning user interface. I chose an independent bookstore in Williamsburg called Spoonbill & Sugartown Books, Inc.

One of the concepts I developed for the website was the "Serendipity Machine." On the original Spoonbill & Sugartown website, they describe themselves as a place that has "an element of serendipity - you never know what you will find." With this in mind, the Serendipity Machine is essentially a random shuffle of products (usually rare items) that are currently in store. When the user arrives at the homepage they are given the option to start the Serendipity Machine and learn more about the store's collection. The first three pages below show the stages of flash animation that would occur on the homepage when the Serendipity Machine is started.

Homepage (in three stages):

Inner Pages: