Monday, November 14, 2011

Bee Goddess Honey (Packaging Design)

Color Theory Assignment: Pick a culture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and sketch different design motifs. Drawing from your sketches and the color palette of the culture you've chosen, create a rhythmic pattern using a triad or tetrad color chord. Create a product that your pattern could be applied to and develop a logo and branding for the package design.

The culture I chose was Ancient Greece, specifically the Bronze Age. I was inspired by a golden bee pendant in the exhibition, and through research found out there was a Bee Goddess in Minoan and Mycenaean religion who represented nature, order, harmony, and the connection between this life and the afterlife. I chose a triad color chord (red, yellow, blue) to express my culture. By switching the placement of the colors in the pattern, I was able to create three distinct patterns and applied each to a different type of honey: Pine Tree Honey, Wildflower Honey, and Thyme Honey.




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