Thursday, May 27, 2010

eve was framed:
(the virgin/whore dichotomy still exists after all)

post-women's liberation movement, and we have managed to de-construct
only to re-construct the same binaries in slightly less de-meaning
but still meaning-less narratives...

to be an independent woman in the 21st century you have one of two choices:

"i rise with my red hair / and i eat men like air"

fully embrace the independent whore in you. holding hands is for amateurs. you are all about sex and only about sex. oh, and please leave after you're done. none of this cuddling business. you take pride in your ability to FEEL NOTHING at all. shoulder pads may be out of fashion, but we know who's not wearing the pants in this relationship (oh, oops! the R word - so unacceptable).

"they thought death was worth it, but i / have a self to recover, a queen"

fully embrace the you-sans-boy(friend), 100% SINGLE, career-driven, a-sexual, girls'-night-out-going, wholesome lady who doesn't need that warm body next to her in bed because, hey she's too busy "growing" and "improving" and killing herself over the treadmill. wait, does using a vibrator count as submitting to the patriarchy? never mind, she's saving herself up for the real-deal, marriage-worthy man (not dude) who will let her have her independence and
eat it too.

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