Thursday, September 23, 2010

sometimes it IS what it is

"a list of all the things that the sea does is not what the sea is." - art and lies; jeannette winterson

transcribed carefully into my journal sometime in the summer of 2006 (not yet 19). i thought this quotation was profound at one point. hmph.

what would that girl think of me now? what would i say to her?
  1. invest in a sense of humor.
  2. not everything has to be metaphor, you know.
  3. it's okay if the sea is just the sea. you can ride the waves or choose to be crushed by an overwhelming sense of self-entitlement.
  4. let's face it - you need a new plan of attack. the only thing that's growing is the size of your ego. that, and the width of your waistband if you don't put those doritos away.
  5. it could be worse. you could be mixed up in some international drug trafficking scheme that comes back to haunt you ten years later and get thrown into federal prison for 15 months...wait a second.

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