Saturday, June 5, 2010

"naked as a

[from "ciao, manhattan"
-poor little rich girl edie sedgwick]

these are not my people, i should never have come here. a sheep in wolves' clothing. ah, a black sheep at that. sometimes i wish i was truly my mother's daughter. i'd wear her dress, her high-heeled shoes...all the pretty things that the pretty little girls would kill to have. fuck you, new york. fuck your skyscraper stiletto, your made up billboard face, your flashing lights couture. fuck williamsburg as much as the meatpacking district, and god bless the jersey shore. all the beautiful desperate hungry people in this city, walking these streets, crowding these trains...they smell your sheep's blood fear, they know that fur is fake. these are not my people, i should never have come here. a sheep in wolves' clothing. ah, a black sheep at that.

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